Saturday, April 24, 2010

No words. Just tears.

Yesterday was great. Started at 5:30 -- after getting only 6 hours of sleep and ended at 1:30 today. 20 hours of studying, conversing with clients, dreaming of Malawi and being treated well, really well. Today, is different.

I've been at this computer now for an hour. Reading a blog of someone who lost their fight with cancer. Tears have plagued my cheeks and a sense of urgency in my heart. Life is short and it is far too short to spend consumed with myself.

May my eyes be fixed on things greater than me. May they be fixed on You. May my heart for others be carried into action and may I go broke, bankrupt with my love, words and actions. I wish to pour out everything in me on those whom You place before me. May I live this life not for myself, but for You. May my love for others come secondary to that. May I be blind to my self, my life, my desires and my I know what sacrificial living is. May I give all of me so that there is nothing left of myself to indulge in. May I be a weeping prophet and may You break my heart for what breaks Yours. May Evan be healed, completely restored.

With a heavy heart and tear stung cheeks,
<3 Your child

1 comment:

  1. Kelly, I am right there with you! This week has been so insane for me, and didn't go nearly as well as I had planned. But, at the end of the day, God showed me how it really doesn't matter how this week went, and then just overwhelmed me with His love (which is far better than any earthly thing I can think of!). How good is our God?? :)
